Our services
We can help with all the tasks that are increasingly difficult to perform. We provide a range of services at morning, lunch, tea and bed call. To ensure our services are tailored to the individual, we assess individual needs and understand any wishes and preferences before creating a bespoke care plan which work for the client and their families. Our services are flexible and can be arranged from as little as one hour per day. Services are detailed below.
Other services
Errands, leisure activities and and transportation - Accompanying clients to run errands (e.g. shopping trips, medical and hygiene appointments, visit hairdressers, etc) and leisure activities (e.g. outdoor walks)
High Dependency Care - some clients require enhanced care support to provide care services. Enhanced care support could come in the form of additional carers (two or more carers) or the operation of advanced care equipment which enable a single carer to perform the task
Dementia care services - Dementia care is all about helping client or a relative to have the support they need to carry on living in their own home. Whether you just need someone to check on your loved one first thing in the morning and help with personal care or breakfast, or to make sure they’re safe during the night, you can be assured that our experienced and trained carers will be on hand to help whenever you need them.
Sensory impairment care - offering bespoke care to clients living with sensory impairment issues
Consultancy - advising families on how to effectively provision the right care services